My Trade Shows

Experiential Marketing is about creating an environment where the marketing message is presented in a tangible way so it is easily understood.  Instead of being one-dimensional it wraps around the audience and creates a feeling and memory.

Examples of trade shows where the message was wrapped in a story and experience:

Visual Networks

The Visual booth played up the Gladiator theme with actors dressed in character, stage set, video, and stuffed lion giveaways.  The script told the story of the Visual Networks solutions in an easy to follow, non-technical way and ended with how they help the attendee's business networks.

Once the theater presentation concluded, attendees walked through the stage doors and received their branded lion giveaway.  Then they were greeted by staff who could walk them through the details of the product and answer their questions at any of the 12 demonstration stations. 

Exhibit construction by Capitol Exhibit Services.
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